Cool game :33
Yo, this is frontpaged, good job my frends, you did an amazing job
Justo mi PC esta cargando :(
* Le da suerte para que cuando vuelva no le hayan BLAMeado el juego *
que lastima
Interesting game, i will play it tomorrow (if it's not blammed, plz don't blam) also, how do i put it in fullscreen? (I never can put a game on fullscreen here on NG)
shift + F
Move on, KawaiSprite, there's a new musician in town (me), no, that's not true :(
But amazing game :D
Thanks for playing!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah i need to turn on my PC to play this game, don't blam the game it while i turn it on
Em....i promise don't cheat to get the secret medals this time :) lmao
A cool game, and the voice acting of the good 8BitAnt and AtreyuGilbert are very cool, 11/10, good job my guys
thanks bro
oh, a game with a lot of collectibles and medals, well, TIME TO GET EM ALL
epic game
Grrr world lemme draw istfg
PFP n Banner by good ol' Erin
Any Pronouns idc plus Arachne/Arachnus
Control z all time
Joined on 4/25/21